Trabajos de Plastica de los Hielos Continentales
lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2011
miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2011
Definition Essay
Friendship is the condition of sharing a friendly relationship, the feeling and behaviour that exist between friends according to Longman Dictionary. But for us, these definitions are not enough to explain what friendship is about.
These definitions allready quoted are not enough to explain FRIENDSHIP, for us it is about trust, love and hope between friends.
An example of this is when a friend is sad we should help and support him.
As we can see the definitions of the dictionary are not complete, because friendship is personal and covers a lot of things.
As we can see the definitions of the dictionary are not complete, because friendship is personal and covers a lot of things.
lunes, 10 de octubre de 2011
Short Story: Five years ago
Five years had passed since I was in Candela´s house playing, as an inocent girl, being lied by her family, wondering about having the best Sunday ever.
Five years had passed since I was 8 years old, since all my world was perfect, since I was very happy, and all my family too.
Five years since I had been crying inside, wanting him to come with me again. All this time, expecting that, one day, everything would be as when I was 8, waiting my world to become as perfect as in 2006. Today, after five years, I am still waiting with my eyes ful of tears, my heart being ill, dreaming about all my life being as perfect as in those days.
Five years ago, my life became worse and worse because of that horrible 28th of August from 2006, that day that made in my life a big hole.
I don´t know if I´m going to be better, but I would never loose the hope I have been having for five years. It is very simple, I don´t know what is going to happen next.
The only thing I know is my past and I would never forget that 28th August from 2006.
Five years had passed since I was 8 years old, since all my world was perfect, since I was very happy, and all my family too.
Five years since I had been crying inside, wanting him to come with me again. All this time, expecting that, one day, everything would be as when I was 8, waiting my world to become as perfect as in 2006. Today, after five years, I am still waiting with my eyes ful of tears, my heart being ill, dreaming about all my life being as perfect as in those days.
Five years ago, my life became worse and worse because of that horrible 28th of August from 2006, that day that made in my life a big hole.
I don´t know if I´m going to be better, but I would never loose the hope I have been having for five years. It is very simple, I don´t know what is going to happen next.
The only thing I know is my past and I would never forget that 28th August from 2006.
miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2011
Petition letter
Dear local Authorities from Calcutta,
I am Agustina Baibiene, I'm 13 years old, I'm a student from Newlands School.
One of the problems that Calcutta has is that cities grow too quickly, and this creates a lot of problems like overpopulation and that there are a lot of people; many families have no home other than pavement.
I'm writing to you to express my concern and demand a solution to what these people are facing.
People have rights, they should live in better conditions. You as an authority, have to satisfy their needs.
Thank you for your cooperation
I am Agustina Baibiene, I'm 13 years old, I'm a student from Newlands School.
One of the problems that Calcutta has is that cities grow too quickly, and this creates a lot of problems like overpopulation and that there are a lot of people; many families have no home other than pavement.
I'm writing to you to express my concern and demand a solution to what these people are facing.
People have rights, they should live in better conditions. You as an authority, have to satisfy their needs.
Thank you for your cooperation
miércoles, 17 de agosto de 2011
In this essay, we are going to talk about the CAP. The cap is the "Common Agricultural Policy." It is about creating a single market so that the agricultural products could move freely.
On one hand the positive part is that owners don`t have to pay if they sell the whole stock. Also, if their business is not going well, they can use the financial support to develop it. If the job worcks well they can improve their production ans sell it well.
On the other hand, the negative part is that they have competence against other farmers. If the Cap gives financial support to the farmersthey will work less. If they average their field size, maybe they will get into overproduction and farmers would lose money instead of having income.
As a result, we can see that the Cap has positive and negative affects on farming.
On one hand the positive part is that owners don`t have to pay if they sell the whole stock. Also, if their business is not going well, they can use the financial support to develop it. If the job worcks well they can improve their production ans sell it well.
On the other hand, the negative part is that they have competence against other farmers. If the Cap gives financial support to the farmersthey will work less. If they average their field size, maybe they will get into overproduction and farmers would lose money instead of having income.
As a result, we can see that the Cap has positive and negative affects on farming.
miércoles, 15 de junio de 2011
Review : The Lake District National Park
I have recently spent a month in the Lake District National Park, the best experience in my life.
Most people go there for spirit refreshment. It has many mountains and rivers .There are lots of different landscapes and huge biodiversity.
It was an amazing experience, because, I have never had the opportunity of seeing different animals and landscapes. The only thing I did not like, was that it was cold and I could not do some activities because of that.
Despite that, it was the best experience in my life, and I recommend going there.
lunes, 6 de junio de 2011
Video- Hielos continentales.
El objetivo del video
Nosotros relizamos el video con el fin de que éste haga refleccionar e informar sobre el importante tema del DERRETIMIENTO DE LOS HIELOS CONTINENTALES DE ARGENTINA Y CHILE.
El proyecto de Hielos Continentales fue muy interesante, porque aprendí cosas que antes no le prestaba atención. A partir de eso, realizamos trabajos, vídeos, etc. Y aprendí cosas que no me voy a olvidar.
En cuanto a la información, no fue difícil encontrarla, debido a mis compañeros que me brindaron ayuda en la búsqueda.
Yo creo que puedo ser un "agente multiplicador", hacerle conocer a la gente este maravilloso proyecto, mostrándoselos a mis familiares y amigos y que luego ellos se lo puedan transmitir a sus amigos, creo que ayudaría mucho.
En mi opinión, no haría modificaciones, creo que este trabajo esta completo, y va a poder conseguir su objetivo, “CONCIENTIZAR”
En cuanto a la información, no fue difícil encontrarla, debido a mis compañeros que me brindaron ayuda en la búsqueda.
Yo creo que puedo ser un "agente multiplicador", hacerle conocer a la gente este maravilloso proyecto, mostrándoselos a mis familiares y amigos y que luego ellos se lo puedan transmitir a sus amigos, creo que ayudaría mucho.
En mi opinión, no haría modificaciones, creo que este trabajo esta completo, y va a poder conseguir su objetivo, “CONCIENTIZAR”
Volumen de los glaciares
Entre 1968 y 1975 hubo una pérdida anual promedio de 13.5 km3
Entre 1995 y 2000 hubo una pérdida anual promedio de 38.7 km3
El Glaciar Perito Moreno aporta al Río Santa Cruz por fusión.
0,58+0.39= 0.97 km3
Una pileta de natación de 25 mts. x 10 mts. tiene un promedio de profundidad de 2 mts.
Volumen de agua= 25 mts. x 10mts. x 2 mts.= 500 mts3
7x 13.5 km3=94.5 km3
5x38.7 km3= 193.5 km3. La suma de estos dos números es de 288 km3
En 12 años (del 1968 al 1975 y 1995 al 2000) se perdió 288 km3
1 km3= 1000mts x 1000 mts x 1000 mts
1km3= 1000.000.000 km3
Volumen= mts3 equivale a 576.000.000 piletas.
Relación entre hielos continentales y expedición bicentenario
Los hielos continentales son muy importantes porque son unas de las reservas mas grandes de agua potable en el mundo. Pero devido al calentamiento global y el efecto invernadero, estan causando el derretimiento de ellos.
Nosotros y muchos mas niños de todo el pais escribieron sueños y testimonios, que con un proyecto llamado "expedicion biecentenario", el cual enterro los sueños y los testimonios en determinados lugares elegidos por su importancia o puntos turisticos. Estos estan junto a un GPS con las coordenadas geograficas de la ubicaion de las capsulas que seran abiertas en el tricentenario (2110).
Este proyecto, llevo nuestros sueños a "el paso del viento" en los hielos continentales.
Nosotros y muchos mas niños de todo el pais escribieron sueños y testimonios, que con un proyecto llamado "expedicion biecentenario", el cual enterro los sueños y los testimonios en determinados lugares elegidos por su importancia o puntos turisticos. Estos estan junto a un GPS con las coordenadas geograficas de la ubicaion de las capsulas que seran abiertas en el tricentenario (2110).
Este proyecto, llevo nuestros sueños a "el paso del viento" en los hielos continentales.
Como funcionó nuestro grupo, con respecto al video.
En nuestro grupo, cada integrante tenia un cargo para poder lograr nuestro objetivo, hacer un video.
Agustina Baibiene: buscó la información para poner en el dialogo junto a Ma. Agustina Turano
Carolina Vázquez y Gonzalo Belén: buscaron los videos para guiarnos un poco de que se trata el video y los cortaron para insertarlos en el video.
Ailin Castro Cendra y Marina Lecour: hicieron preparación del dialogo.
Ma. Agustina Turano: busco información acerca de la ley de glaciares y algunas imágenes para acompañar.
Todos: ayudamos con la preparación del video y Carolina Vázquez nos filmó
Agustina Baibiene: buscó la información para poner en el dialogo junto a Ma. Agustina Turano
Carolina Vázquez y Gonzalo Belén: buscaron los videos para guiarnos un poco de que se trata el video y los cortaron para insertarlos en el video.
Ailin Castro Cendra y Marina Lecour: hicieron preparación del dialogo.
Ma. Agustina Turano: busco información acerca de la ley de glaciares y algunas imágenes para acompañar.
Todos: ayudamos con la preparación del video y Carolina Vázquez nos filmó
Informacion agua potable
En Fisico Quimica, trabajamos sobre el agua potable, y sus características. Lo comparamos con distintos tipos de agua como el agua de rio y el agua de mar. Aprendimos que el agua de río tiene menos contenido de sal que el agua del mar, nos dimos cuenta que el agua de río provenia de lluvias, deshielos y nevadas y que sus componentes dependen de la salinidad y los minerales del suelo ya que el rio arrastra estos minerales.
Tambien aprendimos muchas cosas sobre el agua de mar, por ejemplo que este agua es el conjunto de la desembocadurade otros rios. y que esta compuesta por cloruro de sodio,de magnesio, Sulfato neutro desodios, cloruro de clasio, de potasio, entre otros.
Otra cosa que trabajamos es la relacion entre agua potable y agua bebible, y esta es que "cuando el agua es bebible es potable."
Tambien aprendimos muchas cosas sobre el agua de mar, por ejemplo que este agua es el conjunto de la desembocadurade otros rios. y que esta compuesta por cloruro de sodio,de magnesio, Sulfato neutro desodios, cloruro de clasio, de potasio, entre otros.
Otra cosa que trabajamos es la relacion entre agua potable y agua bebible, y esta es que "cuando el agua es bebible es potable."
¿Qué es el monitoreo de glaciares?
En muchas regiones montañosas del planeta se ha observado un retroceso rápido y generalizado de los glaciares. Es común escuchar que este fenómeno se debe principalmente al calentamiento acelerado del planeta durante las últimas décadas. Sin embargo, si bien a grandes rasgos esto es correcto, para corroborar realmente las causas verdaderas detrás de las variaciones de los glaciares es necesario contar, primero, con datos climáticos regionales confiables, y segundo, con mediciones directas sobre los glaciares que incluyan al menos los intercambios de masa y los avances y retrocesos del frente de hielo. Estas mediciones deben además ser realizadas en glaciares cuidadosamente seleccionados de manera que los resultados sean lo más representativos posible de la situación general de los glaciares de la zona.
El método más comúnmente utilizado mide directamente en terreno el cambio de masa del glaciar. Esta medición se lleva a cabo a partir de la instalación de una red de estacas (llamadas balizas, balises, stakes) en la mayor parte del glaciar. En su sección alta, donde generalmente la acumulación supera la ablación, se excavan pozos (puits, pits) o se hacen perforaciones (carottages, drilling) donde se mide directamente la cantidad de nieve o de hielo acumulada(o) entre el inicio y el fin del año hidrológico. Posteriormente, por densimetría es convertida(o) en equivalente de agua.
Cambios de elevación: Topografía Superficial mediante GPS es un dispositivo electrónico que funciona mediante señales de radio de un número variable de satélites. El aparato funciona como un receptor que decodifica e interpreta esas señales, y además brinda varios tipos de funciones.
Resultados de monitoreo de glaciares
El glaciar crece donde se junta nieve y se forma el hielo. Desde allí la masa de hielo avanza pendiente abajo. Pero a medida que baja, encuentra el calor y se derrite y se rompe. Si crece más rápido de lo que decrece, tenemos un glaciar en avance , si se forma más despacio de lo que se derrite, tenemos un glaciar en retroceso. Los motivos del avance, retroceso o equilibrio pueden ser naturales o humanos. Si disminuyen las precipitaciones invernales y aumentan las temperaturas, los glaciares tienden a perder masa.
Si los glaciares se derritieran se perderían las reservas de agua dulce del planeta, ya que al pasar al estado líquido se pueden contaminar, en cambio en estado sólido se conserva más limpia. Otra consecuencia es que podría haber zonas inundadas por el aumento del nivel del mar debido a los deshielos de los glaciares.
Es necesario conocer el estado de los glaciares para que los humanos, podamos modificar algunas acciones y evitar el derretimiento.
El cambio climático
Cambio climático se refiere a un cambio de clima atribuido directa o indirectamente a la actividad humana que altera la composición de la atmósfera y que se suma a la variabilidad natural del clima observada durante períodos de tiempo comparables. Los cambios climáticos los produce el hombre mediante el uso de combustibles quema de árboles, etc.
miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011
Description of a place: Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro is located in south-east Brazil. Rio is one world's largest cities. Going here is a good experience, there you have nature all around, and beaches are very nice. But you have to be careful because, there are lots of crimes, depending on which part you are going.
There are a lot of places to visit, and explore, most of them during the day. There are organized walks to visit much as you can.
Rio, is a very nice place to go, so if I were you, I would take it to account.
There are a lot of places to visit, and explore, most of them during the day. There are organized walks to visit much as you can.
Rio, is a very nice place to go, so if I were you, I would take it to account.
Diary Entry
Dear diary,
Today I had a make up test, and I've got a 5, so I'm sad of that. My teacher asked me questions, that I didn't know anything about.
I don't want to go home, if I tell my mom this mark, she won't let me go with my friends on the weekend.This weekend I had organized to go to cinema, so I'm sacred if I could go or not.
Well then I tell you my mother's reaction.
Today I had a make up test, and I've got a 5, so I'm sad of that. My teacher asked me questions, that I didn't know anything about.
I don't want to go home, if I tell my mom this mark, she won't let me go with my friends on the weekend.This weekend I had organized to go to cinema, so I'm sacred if I could go or not.
Well then I tell you my mother's reaction.
Life in Argentina
Here in argentina there are very nice places, such as Bariloche and Puerto Madero, thouse are my favourite here.
If you have the opportunity of going there, take a camera because, the landscape is beautiful.
If you have the opportunity of going there, take a camera because, the landscape is beautiful.
The best movie ever
This movie is extraordinary, it is not that tipycal stories with happy ending, its all the way around. It is these movies where you will always try to guess who the bad person is. It is very well done it, so it makes it intriguing.
My favourite place at home
My favourite place at home is my bedroom. It is always quiet and fresh. And I can do everything y want it is my bedroom.
There, I always listen to music or sleep, because nobody bothers me. That's why my bedroom is my favourite place at home.
There, I always listen to music or sleep, because nobody bothers me. That's why my bedroom is my favourite place at home.
Report: How to recruit young people to the party.
The purpose of this report is to recommend how to recruit young people, commenting teenagers` likes and dislikes. I made a survey and here we will show the results.
50% of teenagers like playing video games. Also 30% like doing sports, and 20% like listening to music.
As most of teenagers like videos games, it would be a good idea to organize a video game tournament, to attract them.
In that survey I also asked what they dislike, and 80% answered they didn't like hurting animals and not protecting the environment, and 20% says that they dislike reading.
From my point of view, I would make campaigns to protect the environment, such as "Green Peace"does.
As a conclusion, I would organize a video game tournament and a campaign to protect the environment.
The purpose of this report is to recommend how to recruit young people, commenting teenagers` likes and dislikes. I made a survey and here we will show the results.
50% of teenagers like playing video games. Also 30% like doing sports, and 20% like listening to music.
As most of teenagers like videos games, it would be a good idea to organize a video game tournament, to attract them.
In that survey I also asked what they dislike, and 80% answered they didn't like hurting animals and not protecting the environment, and 20% says that they dislike reading.
From my point of view, I would make campaigns to protect the environment, such as "Green Peace"does.
As a conclusion, I would organize a video game tournament and a campaign to protect the environment.
miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011
Rio de Janeiro: the paradise
Have you ever gone to Rio de Janeiro? This is one of the lost paradises in the world. You wont regret visiting that place.
Rio de Janeiro is locate in south-east Brazil. Rio is one the world`s largest cities. There is a very popular place, the beaches of Copacabana.
But they have a very big problem with poor people, half-million homless street dwellers, over 1 million people live in favelas and another 1 million in poor-quality local authority housing (periferias.)
In 2008, I went to one of " Copacabana beaches" and was amazing because of all the nature all around and the hot sea water. Y liked it so much, that I came back the following year.
As a conclusion, it was a very good experience, so if I were you, defenitely I would go, and tell all your friends the good time you had.
Have you ever gone to Rio de Janeiro? This is one of the lost paradises in the world. You wont regret visiting that place.
Rio de Janeiro is locate in south-east Brazil. Rio is one the world`s largest cities. There is a very popular place, the beaches of Copacabana.
But they have a very big problem with poor people, half-million homless street dwellers, over 1 million people live in favelas and another 1 million in poor-quality local authority housing (periferias.)
In 2008, I went to one of " Copacabana beaches" and was amazing because of all the nature all around and the hot sea water. Y liked it so much, that I came back the following year.
As a conclusion, it was a very good experience, so if I were you, defenitely I would go, and tell all your friends the good time you had.
domingo, 3 de abril de 2011
Expedición Bicentenario 2010
Nuestro país contendrá los sueños de los chicos del Bicentenario, esto buscará construir una nación más justa y próspera, para el próximo centenario.
Se subirá cumbres de altas montañas, navegará ríos, transitará selvas y atravesará vastos desiertos, en cada provincia de la Republica Argentina , incluyendo las Islas Malvinas, la Antártida y el Monte Everest.
En estos lugares se dejará, dentro de cajas selladas, un legado con los testimonios y sueños del los chicos del Bicentenario hacia el Tricentenario, para que puedan ser buscados en 100 años.
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