Also we had to do some, Still Images to represent Scene 1 and 2.
A boatswain challengeing the authority, in this case, the King of Naples called Alonso, telling him to go back to the cabins.
The ladies saying "Farewell" to all their family because they are in the middle of a huge storm in a ship in the sea.
The ladies jumping out from the ship while the nobility and the sailors are praying.
Prospero telling his daughter, Miranda, to be calm because nobody has been hurted.
Prospero telling their past to Miranda.
Prospero telling Miranda, how his brothe Antonio took his place and that the nobility helped him.
King Alonso is making a treat with Antonio.
The army entered to Milan and made Prosper and Little Miranda go out of the city.
Little Miranda and Prospero with the few elements Gonzalo put in the boat for them.